SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Woman Scream

International Poetry and Arts Festival and Brand

The voices of the world united agaisnt women violence.

The Woman Scream International Poetry and Arts Festival (Grito de Mujer®) is  a worldwide chain of events celebrated in March, where institutions, poets and artists of different countries volunteer to honor women, sending messages of self-esteem, respect and rising voices against women violence.  It includes events for the public such as: Conferences, art exhibits, poetry recitals, concerts, fairs, theater presentations, films, etc.

Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) has been celebrated in over 70 countries since 2011, with over 800 successful events coordinated by volunteers. Woman Scream started at the Dominican Republic by the dominican poetess Jael Uribe, and spread throughout the world thanks to the work of men and women who have joined the coordinating team on their cities.

Woman Scream is celebrated throughout the month of March (from 1st to 31st only) . It has open call for events coordinators (from Oct. to Feb.), and launches its first list of confirmed participating countries around November 25th to commemorate the International Day of Non-Violence Against Women. The list of participant countries is constantly updated until February each year.
  Woman Scream and 1st MPI'S International Gathering, Madrid 2016

  Woman Scream goal:

  Our mission is to honor women and create a conscious call against women violence through artistic expressions during the whole month of March.

People interested in coordinating a WS event in their communities, just need to request and follow some simple guidelines, and make an event any day between 1st to 31st of march (For obvious reasons, no events out of date are allowed).   Additional artists such as: Painters, musicians, performance, actors, dancers, etc, can join freely, as long as their presentations doesn't attend against morality or affects our movement's public image. Always remember our goal is to honor women and their importance into society.


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of