SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Woman Scream 2022 Call for Volunteer Event Coordinators

Las personas o entidades interesadas en ser parte del 12vo. Festival Grito de Mujer 2022: “Origen” en las ciudades no listadas de su cadena mundial, deberán enviar su propuesta
  • Convocatoria Para Coordinadores Voluntarios de [...]
© grito de mujer-woman scream-cri de femme
Genre : Cultural projects
Contact details Grito de Mujer-Woman Scream-Cri de Femme
Principal country concerned : Column : Poetry / story telling
Release/publication date : October 2021
Published on : 14/10/2021
Source : www.womanscreamfestival.com

The international Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) in its 12th edition, and in support of the initiatives of the Action Coalitions for Generation Equality of UN Women for the next years, makes a formal invitation to institutions, members and nonmembers, to join the cause as volunteer events coordinators, for the festival's global cultural chain next March, 2022. This season, paying a tribute to aboriginal women and women ancestors under the motto "Origin". Woman Scream 2022 will be a call to remember native women, whose millenary cultures persist over time in several countries and who still suffer continuous abuses, in absence of laws that promote the validation of their rights. It is also a tribute to the women whose lineage, courage and strength, since ancient times, have been forerunners of the collective dream, towards a life free from women violence and equal women's rights.

This call will take special interest in non-listed cities and countries. If you wish to become a volunteer coordinator for Woman Scream 2022: "Origin", send your proposal directly to the movement, through the contact menu of the page womanscreamfestival.com. The proposals received must represent the cause in best interest. Requests upon approval and availability, in accordance with previous acceptance of WS Guidelines.

This call will close on February 13, 2022, and the calendar of confirmed events will be published and promoted to the public. Check Woman Scream Social Networks for more updates.
Woman Scream is an annual international chain of cultural events during the whole month of March, that compiles all arts and unifies diverse voices of the world against women violence. It has been celebrated since March. Born in the Dominican Republic, WS has spread worldwide thanks to the help of volunteer coordinators. It has been held in over 70 countries and celebrated over 1000 events in different languages.


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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