SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

„African Perspectives": AfricAvenir presents "The Unseen" by Perivi Katjavivi, 2016, Namibia, feature

At Alte Feste (Windhoek). 19h, cast and crew in attendance. Entrance is 100,- Nam$ (N$80, Presold). Film series supported by Africiné Magazine.
„African Perspectives: AfricAvenir presents The Unseen [...]
Genre : Cycle de cinéma | Windhoek

Mercredi 24 août 2016

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

A love letter to Namibia by Perivi Katjavivi.
Reclaiming that space. Making The Unseen Seen Again.
Windhoek Premiere of The Unseen at Alte Feste. 24 August. by AfricAvenir Windhoek & Old Location Films.

Reclaiming that space. Decolonizing the Alte Feste!

AfricAvenir Windhoek, in partnership with Old Location Films, present to Windhoek audiences the premiere of "The Unseen" (Nam, 2016, 70min) on 24 August 2016, 19h00, at the Alte Feste, the old military fort in the city centre. Come and be part of debating Namibia's postcolonial identity, 26 years into Independence.
Ticket sales commences 25 July.

Windhoek Premiere: Time: 18h30 for 19h00
Entrance: PreSales 80,- N$, @ the door 100,-.N$
Tickets available StayToday Namibia, Warehouse Theatre Windhoek, The-Biltong-Shop Maerua Mall.

"A cinemtatic Namibian love letter to Fanon" - Hans-Christian Mahnke, AfricAvenir

The screening will be opened by Adv. Bience Gawanas, Special Advisor to the Minister of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, former AU Commissioner for Social Affairs.
After the screening there will be an open discussion with director Perivi Katjavivi and his crew and cast.

About the movie
The Unseen is about art, identity and solitude. It presents three interconnected vignettes that follow three different characters as they slip into spaces in Namibian society mostly unseen.
There's Sara (played by Senga Brockerhoff) the rebel who's calm resolve to end her life provokes a range of interesting and conflicting reactions in the people close to her. Anu (played by Mathew Ishitile), a dreamy musician, struggles to explain his hallucinations and out of body experiences to his rough-neck buddies across town. Estranged from his wife, African-American actor Marcus (played by Antonia David Lyons, known for his roles in Hotel Rwanda, Scandal, 24, American History X), is in town to play a role in an epic historical film but spends his time wandering through the outback searching for significance.
It's a collection of philosophical musings on what it means to be alive in independent Namibia. It intentionally blurs the line between fiction and documentary.

"The Unseen is an entirely new kind of cinema, inventing for itself a new language, refusing to be trapped in the past or shaped by white or western film models the way many South African films still are. It's one of the most exciting and visually beautiful films you'll see this year."- Charles Blignaut, CityPress, SA

"Brilliant and refreshing. …. [Katjavivi's] characters negotiate forces of neoimperial homogeneity in the present, while trying to make sense of the past. … This portrayal of life in the impact zone of post-colonialism and post-modernity has real substance and weight."- Sarah Dawson, Mail & Guardian, SA

"The Unseen is a powerful commentary on what it means to be a young person in modern-day Africa." - Screen Africa

"A cinematic Namibian love letter to Fanon" - Hans-Christian Mahnke, AfricAvenir

"A strong film of substance, a film debating issues relevant to Namibian society and the continent at large. We need more of this." - Bishop Shekutaamba Nambala, ELCRN

"3 wandering souls navigating the emotional and physical realities of post-colonial Namibia (aka a beautiful film!)" - Katarina Hedrén, First Wednesday Film Club, Johannesburg, SA

Pan African Film Festival, Los Angeles (World Premiere)
African Perspectives, AfricAvenir, Oshakati (African Premiere)
Luxor African Film Festival
Durban International Film Festival (Official Competition)
PanAfrican Film Festival Cannes (upcoming)

Production Details:
Title: The Unseen
Director: Perivi Katjavivi
Producers: Shalongo Nambala, Ronald James
Year: 2016
Country: Namibia
Length: 70min
Cast: Senga Brockerhoff, Mathew Ishitile, Antonio David Lyons, Cecil Moller, Esther Veii Beukes.


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