SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Lorenzo Ceva Valla

Lorenzo Ceva Valla
Film director, Photographer, Producer, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Photo

Lorenzo Ceva Valla was born in Milan in 1967. Graduated at the "CFP Riccardo Bauer" school of photography, he started on his profession in 1989 as an assistant to the photographer Cesare Colombo. Being a freelance as from 1993, he performs mostly in the fields of industrial reportage, architecture and portraiture, as well as for business monographs and computing magazines. He also provides his services in theatre and movie sets. His personal research studies are carried out predominantly outdoors, investigating the urban landscape and its inhabitants. Having approached the digital technology in 1997 already through the use of some photo editing programs, focusing - besides the technical aspects - on the cultural impact on new technologies applied to images. He gives courses and workshops all throughout Italy on the different applications of digital technologies in photography and on the use of the flash in professional shooting. He has presented his works in personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad, and he publishes on several magazines and books. His image called "La pace appesa a un filo" (a composition made up of 81 different files) was used in 2003 for the peace campaign. The image is also included in Storia d'Italia. Annali 20. L'immagine fotografica 1945-2000, Einaudi. Since 2006, he works as director of photography and director for long feature movies.



Lorenzo CEVA VALLA - fotografo e regista
Lorenzo Ceva Valla è nato a Milano nel 1967. Fotografo professionista, dal 1999 lavora esclusivamente con fotocamere digitali, applicando, anche in fase di post-produzione, le tecniche fotografiche più innovative. Opera nel campo del reportage industriale, dell'architettura e del ritratto, per monografie aziendali e riviste del settore informatico; realizza anche servizi in teatro e set cinematografici. Ha esposto in mostre personali e collettive in Italia e all'estero. Ha curato la fotografia nel lungomentraggio Il Contrattempo e in Ainom, film del quale è anche regista e produttore a fianco di di Mario Garofalo. Dal 2009 dirige con Mario Garofalo spot, documentari, film.


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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