SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

João Miguel

João Miguel
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures marks the debut of this actor João Miguel as a leading film actor. João Miguel was first seen by director Marcelo Gomes, when he was appearing in a play called The Bishop, about the life and work of the artist Arthur Bispo do Rosário. Before this, the actor had worked for a year and half with the company Grupo Piolim. During the filming he was able to work with some of the actors from this group, such as Zezita and Nanego de Lira.
Currently, João Miguel is still appearing in The Bishop, which has already been seen by more than 90 thousand people all over Brazil. He is also developing a project called Pássaro, Flor e Qualquer Coisa que a Senhora Quiser, which he intends to direct.


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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