SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Iman Kamel

Iman Kamel
© www.nomadshome.net, 2010
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

IMAN KAMEL (Writer-Director & Producer, Nomads Home Productions, Egypt/Germany).
Iman Kamel, born in Cairo, has followed interdisciplinary studies in art, dance and film at the Berlin School of Arts with further studies in cultural management at the bbw akademie Berlin. She is always on the move and has travelled extensively in southern African countries and in China. Her short films include "Noara" 1995, "Khadega" 1997, "Nachiket" 2004, "The Clouds Are There" 2006 and "Hologram" 2002 (which received the Euromed Short Film Award and was launched on the internet www.euromedcafe.org). Iman founded the Initiative Film Aktiv In School in Berlin to work creatively on projects with young people and immigrants.
In 2007, Iman was invited to participate in EAVE's Professional Coaching for Producers workshop at Dubai International Film Festival. In 2008, she was invited back to share ongoing project BEIT SHA'AR | NOMAD'S HOME - her debut, long-form creative documentary. The film has been nominated in 2009 for the Cinema-in-Motion 5 Post Production awards at San Sebastian Film Festival and the Desert Door Post Production Award at Dubai International Film Festival.
Iman Kamel is an Egyptian filmmaker based in Berlin. "Beit Sha'ar (Nomad's Home)" (2010) is her debut feature documentary film shot in Egypt's Sinai Desert and in Cairo and features pioneering Bedouin social entreprenuer Selema Gabaly. The film is produced by Kamel's Nomads Home Productions along with Talal Al-Muhanna (Linked Productions/Kuwait) and Dubai Entertainment and Media Organisation/Enjaaz (U.A.E.).


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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