SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Farid Bentoumi

  • Farid Bentoumi
Film director, Actor, Screenwriter, Translator, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater, Cinema/tv

Actor, Director, Screenwriter, Director of Photography

Represented by : Artmedia (Paris)
Agent : Béatrice Hall

Born in France in 1976. He became an actor after studies in Arts and Communication and numerous trips. Trained in improvisation, he acted in works by Novarina, Beckett, Brecht and Racine and was the director and co-writer of several plays. Talent Cannes Adami in 2003, he then acted in numerous shorts and TV series. Winner of the Jury's Grand Prix at the Festival des Scénaristes in 2005, he went into writing. After "El Migri", a documentary about his Franco-Algerian family, he made a short fiction film, "Un autre jour sur Terre". "Brûleurs" is his third short film, selected in more than 60 festivals and multi-awarded (Young Audience award at Cinemed 2011). "Un métier bien" is his third short fiction film. He recently completed his first feature film, "Good Luck Algeria", also selected in competition in Montpellier and planned to be released in 2016.


Good Luck Algeria (2015), feature narrative

Un métier bien (2015), 3rd short narrative

Burners / Brûleurs (2011), 2nd short narrative
Director : Farid Bentoumi
Actors : Samir Harrag, Salim Kechiouche, Driss Ramdi, Djanis Bouzyani, Azeddine Benamara...
Associate production company : Les Films Velvet

El Migri (2009), DOCUMENTARY
Director : Farid Bentoumi
Associate production company : Les Films Velvet
Synopsis : My father, El Migri, the immigrant, is an Algerian who knows how to play at Santa Claus. He is proud of his three sons well integrated into France. Today, his dream comes true.

Another Night on Earth / Un autre jour sur Terre (2009), 1st short narrative
Director : Farid Bentoumi
Actors : Gilles Privat, Cyril Gueï
Associate production company : Les Films Velvet
Synopsis : A space shuttle leaves the sky and crashes in the middle of nowhere, one summer night, somewhere on earth.

Master Plan (2008), FICTION
Director : Bernard Tanguy
Actors : Jean-Toussaint Bernard, Antoine Gouy, Jean-Michel Portal, Jean-Claude Dauphin, Damien Dorsaz...
Associate production company : Rézina Productions
Synopsis : Pierre and Philippe, new recruits in a major bank's computer department, are confronted with the toxic atmosphere that reigns in the service.

To Pass Through (2007), FICTION
Director : Vincent Cappello
Actors : Mohammed Khouas, Ophélia Kolb, Olivier Borle, Benoît Guillain, Farid Bentoumi...
Associate production company : Vudeface Production

À un cheveu près (2003), FICTION
Director : Francis Perrin
Actors : Ninon Brétécher, Adeline Moreau, Farid Bentoumi
Associate production company : Agora Films

www.cinemed.tm.fr/cgi-bin/film/film.cgi?cine=1&id=17436&festi=74&lemenu=2&uk=oui&mod=proguk (Cinémed 2015, Montpellier)


1 files


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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