SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Daniel Sager

Daniel Sager
© courtesy Ecrans Noirs de Yaoundé 2016
Film director, Photographer, Journalist, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

German filmmaker and photographer.

Daniel Andreas Sager was born in Berlin in 1985 and grew up in Moscow. He studied social anthropology and philosophy at the Universität Leipzig, followed by his directing studies at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. With the grant from the State of Baden-Württemberg, he studied one year at the film school UCINE in Buenos Aires. 2013 he has participated with a scholarship from the Filmakademie BW at the Script Masterclass Docu-Village at Haifa Filmfestival, Israel. He graduated in April 2015. THE LONG DISTANCE received the Nofear! Award 2015. Since 2016 he is doing his Ph.D. as a master-class student at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf and participates as a Nipkow grant holder the Nipkow Programm. He works as writer and editor for ZE.tt (Zeit Online), as Freelance writer, director, journalist and cinematographer, living in Berlin.

Daniel Andreas SAGER
Every life writes a story and every story can change a life.
Daniel Andreas Sager brings personal storys with deep social context by unconventional imagery to life. His intense focus on human feelings in a constantly fast developing world, is underscored by his unique structured narratives.
He graduated from the renowned Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg and received scholar­ships for a one-year-course at the UCINE Buenos Aires and the script developing masterclass Docu-Village in Haifa, Israel. He is now working in documentarys, feature films and commercials. Daniel has received international awards for his films, which are shown worldwide at filmfestivals and in television.

His genuine affinity with humans, coupled with the grasp of narrative, has led to films of cinematic style and an individual handwriting. Daniel works as a freelance writer, director, journalist and cinematographer, living in Berlin.

Apart from that he is interested in surfing beautiful waves, alternative social structures, the magic of science, photography and electronic beats. He loves good music, bad music with good friends, new things, remember the old ones, travelling, coming home, living for magical moments.



2017 / Cinema Documentary / 90min
PRODUCTION: Tondowski Films
In front of a tiny island in the midst of the Indian Ocean man kind fights an epic battle against the biggest animal on earth.

2015 / Documentary Film / 90min
PRODUCTION: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
with ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel
A farmer woman from Kenya and a shepherd boy want to run their way out of poverty. Their hope is to be able to join highly paid marathons in Europe with the help of a German athletics manager.

2014 / Documentary Film / 45min
PRODUCTION: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
In the desolate towns of former East Germany the people life left behind seems like fossils. The dissolution of the German Democratic Republic brought their world to a standstill.

2013 / Documentary Film / 26min
PRODUCTION: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
A man traveled for two years in a small jolly boat the Atlantic. One night a severer storm draws on, he suffers shipwreck. The stranded boat stays disabled to manoeuver. He needs help.

2011 / Documentary Film / 24min
PRODUCTION: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
CHRISTIAN is on the brink of becoming a catholic priest, therefore promising a life without marriage or sex. He doesn't seem to precieve the resulting loneliness as a sacrifice.

2010 / Documentary Film / 20min
PRODUCTION: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
BERND and HARDY are living in the streets of Berlin. While Bernd has established his self in that life and believes he live closeness to nature of free will, Hardy wants to escape this hell as quick as possible.

* http://danielsager.com/about.html
* www.thelongdistance.de/eng.html#director
* www.ecransnoirs.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Ecrans_noirs_2016_catalogue_light.pdf



Daniel Andreas Sager wurde 1985 in Berlin geboren und wuchs in Moskau auf. Er studierte Ethnologie und Philosophie an der Universität Leipzig, gefolgt von seinem Regiestudium an der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Nach dem Grundstudium erhielt er das Baden-Württemberg Stipendium und studierte ein Jahr an der Filmschule UCINE in Buenos Aires. 2013 nahm er mit einem Stipendium der Filmakademie BW an der Drehbuch Masterclass Docu-Village beim Filmfestival in Haifa, Israel teil. Sein Diplom absolvierte er im April 2015. Seit 2016 promoviert er als Meisterschüler an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Er arbeitet als freier Autor, Regisseur, Journalist sowie Kameramann und lebt in Berlin.


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