SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Bania Medjbar

Bania Medjbar
© D.R
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter, Associate producer
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Dance

Associate producer, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer, Exportateur

She was born in Marseilles in 1962 to North African parents. In 1996, she began to make documentaries: "Impression de voyage", "Mères amères", "Le marché aux puces" and "J'ai fait un rêve". Her first feature film, "Quand le vent tisse les fleurs", was selected for the Quinzaine des réalisateurs in Cannes in 2003. After "Des enfants dans les arbres", which was in competition at the Festival of Clermont Ferrand in 2010, she dedicated her time to writing the screenplay of "Le crime des anges", now in pre-production.

1996 - Impression de voyage, doc / 1997 - Mères amères, doc / 2000 - Le marché aux puces, doc / 2001 - J'ai fait un rêve, doc / 2003 - Quand le vent tisse les fleurs, lm / 2009 - Des enfants dans les arbres, cm

Libre d'Images : Producer

Latest films
When the Wind Weaves Flowers (2003), from Bania Medjbar


Nasce a Marsiglia nel 1962 da genitori maghrebini. Nel 1996 inizia a realizzare documentari: Impression de voyage, Mères amères, Le marché aux puces et J'ai fait un rêve. Il suo primo lungometraggio, Quand le vent tisse les fleurs, viene selezionato alla Quinzaine des réalisateurs a Cannes nel 2003. Dopo Des enfants dans les arbres, in concorso al festival di Clermont Ferrand nel 2010, si dedica alla scrittura della sceneggiatura Le crime des anges, ora in fase di pre-produzione.

1996 - Impression de voyage, doc
1997 - Mères amères, doc
2000 - Le marché aux puces, doc
2001 - J'ai fait un rêve, doc
2003 - Quand le vent tisse les fleurs, lm
2009 - Des enfants dans les arbres, cm

Film a ImmaginAfrica (Rassegna 2010)
Des enfants dans les arbres (Rassegna 2010)



1 files


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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