SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Aryan Kaganof

Aryan Kaganof
© courtesy FCAAAL 2016, Milano
Film director, Fine artist, Writer, Poet, Screenwriter, Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Literature, Design

Aryan Kaganof (born Ian Kerkhof) is a South African film maker, novelist, poet and fine artist. In 1999 he changed his name to Aryan Kaganof.

Aryan Kaganof (Ian Kerkhof) was born in Johannesburg in 1964. He left South Africa for the Netherlands to avoid military service in the apartheid army. He studied film direction and screenwriting at the Netherlands Film and TV Academy. He made his debut film in 1992. On 28 March 2001, he returned to South Africa to live, where he works as a director and artist.

Kaganof is a product of the African Noise Foundation.His films include Giant Steps (co-directed with Geoff Mphakati), Abraxas (co-directed with Nicola Deane), and the controversial The Uprising of Hangberg, which was co-directed with Dylan Valley [...].

Currently working on Key Man, a film about the House of Harambe in Nyabinghi, he has already set his sights on his next project, a film about the nomadic mystics of Abakadoush.

Filme (Auswahl) / Films (selection)
1992: Kyodai makes the Big Time.
1993: The Mozart Bird. La Sequence des barres paralleles.
1994: Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers.
1995: Baby Kain. The Crossing Border Tapes.
1996: Naar de klote!
1997: Ron Athey: It's Scripted.
1998: Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow.
1999: Shabondama Elegy.
2000: Nostalgia for the Future (Sonic Fragments).
2001: The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ (Sonic Genetics). The Man who Meditated Himself to a Climax.
2001: Kaganof and Feminism.
2002: Casbah and Back,
2002: WESTERN 4.33.
2002: Alles Goed?
2003: Sharp Sharp!
2003: A Sacrifice
2004: The Murder Mystery
2005: Two Heads Are Better Than One
2005: Giant Steps (co-directed with Geoff Mphakati),
2008: SMS Sugar Man
2009: Civilization and Other Chimeras Observed During the Making of an Exceptionally Artistic Feature Film
2010: The Uprising of Hangberg (co-directed with Dylan Valley) - South Africa, 90 min, Digital Beta, 18A English and Afrikaans with English subtitles.
Abraxas (co-directed with Nicola Deane),
2013: An Inconsolable Memory (South Africa | Doc | 109min)
Key Man
2014: Night is Coming - A Threnody For The Victims of Marikana (Marikana Yymphony)

Source: Berlinale 2004 (Catalog, p.71)



Aryan Kaganof (Ian Kerkhof) wurde 1964 in Johannesburg, Südafrika, geboren. 1984 verließ er Südafrika, um dem Wehrdienst in der Apartheid-Armee zu entgehen. In den Niederlanden studierte er Regie und Drehbuch an der dortigen Film- und Fernsehakademie. 1992 entstand sein erster Film. Seit dem 28. März 2002 lebt er wieder in Südafrika, wo er als Regisseur und Künstler tätig ist.

Filme (Auswahl) / Films (selection)
1992: Kyodai makes the Big Time.
1993: The Mozart Bird. La Sequence des barres paralleles.
1994: Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers.
1995: Baby Kain. The Crossing Border Tapes.
1996: Naar de klote!
1997: Ron Athey: It's Scripted.
1998: Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow.
1999: Shabondama Elegy.
2000: Nostalgia for the Future (Sonic Fragments).
2001: The Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ (Sonic Genetics). The Man who Meditated Himself to a Climax.
2001: Kaganof and Feminism.
2002: Casbah and Back,
2002: WESTERN 4.33.
2002: Alles Goed?
2003: Sharp Sharp!
2003: A Sacrifice
2004: The Murder Mystery
2005: Two Heads Are Better Than One
2005: Giant Steps (co-directed with Geoff Mphakati),
2008: SMS Sugar Man
2009: Civilization and Other Chimeras Observed During the Making of an Exceptionally Artistic Feature Film
2010: The Uprising of Hangberg (co-directed with Dylan Valley) - South Africa, 90 min, Digital Beta, 18A English and Afrikaans with English subtitles.
Abraxas (co-directed with Nicola Deane),
2013: An Inconsolable Memory (South Africa | Doc | 109min)
Key Man
2014: Night is Coming - A Threnody For The Victims of Marikana (Marikana Yymphony)

Source: Berlinale 2004 (Catalog, p.71)



Aryan Kaganof nasce nel 1964 a Johannesburg. Nel 1983 lascia il Sudafrica per evitare il servizio militare. Nei Paesi Bassi si impegna nel movimento anti-apartheid come ricercatore e attivista, e realizza anche alcuni programmi radiofonici dedicati alla promozione della musica jazz e degli esuli politici. In questo periodo pubblica numerosi articoli di musica e cultura per diverse pubblicazioni internazionali. Nel 1990 si iscrive alla Netherlands Film & Television Academy dove studia regia, sceneggiatura, montaggio e produzioni, laureandosi nel 1994. Mentre frequenta ancora il secondo anno vince con il suo primo lungometraggio, Kyodai Makes The Big Time, l'equivalente di un Oscar nei Paesi Bassi, il Golden Calf. Nel 1996 trasferisce un film da 35mm a video, in maniera pionieristica, con Wasted!. L'operazione riscuote un tale successo che viene chiamato in Giappone a realizzare un film simile, nel 1999, con Tokyo Elegy. Ritorna in Sudafrica in quello stesso anno, e nel 2001 è protagonista della prima personale del suo lavoro all'Association For Visual Arts di Cape Town. Nel 2002 Western 4.33 è presentato alla Berlinale e vince il Premio Miglior Film Africano al Festival di Milano. Nel 2005 realizza il primo film con la videocamera di un telefonino, Sms Sugar Man. Nel 2014 An Inconsolable Memory è selezionato in concorso all'IDFA e poi al Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina di Milano.

1992 - Kyodai Makes the Big Time, lm / La séquence des barres parallèles, / 1993 - The Mozart Bird, / 1994 - The Dead Man 2: Returno of the Dead Man, cm / Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers, / 1995 - The Turner Revelation, / Reflections on Dead Weight, cm / 4Tokens II - Minnamanna, cm / 1996 - Nice to Meet You, Please Don't Rape Me!, / Naar de klote!, / 1998 - Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow, doc / Digital Popcorn, cm / 1999 - Shabondama Eleg, / 2000 - Sonic Fragments - The Poetics of Digital Fragmentation, / 2002 - Western 4.33, doc / 2008 - SMS Sugar man, lm / 2014 - Night Is Coming: Threnody for the Victims of Marikana, doc / 2015 - Decolonizing Wits, doc / 2016 - Opening Stellenbosch: From Assimilation To Occupation, doc.

Source: FCAAAL 2016, Milano


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