SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Angela E. Roe

Angela E. Roe
© Selwyn de Wind
Singer, Film director, Painter, Producer, Anthropologist
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Miss Roe is a researcher and anthropologist of Curaçaoan, Surinamese and Dutch descent.

Roe lives in Curaçao, where she conducts a PhD research project for Florida International University, Miami. As anthropologist she is specialized in Caribbean culture, with a special focus on Curaçao. Her work pertains to race, decolonization, nation building, and colonial heritage.

Next to her academic work Roe is producer and event coordinator. In 2004 she ran the educative department of the local theater, Teatro Luna Blou. In 2006 Roe started the show Luna Yen, Luna Blou's open mic stage for youth that is run today by Segni Bernadina. In the summer of 2007 she organized the Barbulètè Tour. Symphonical Orchestra Riciotti Ensemble toured the island for four days with Izaline Calister, giving no less than 18 concerts in the most unusual of places; from Hòfi Pastor to the Bon Futuro prison, from the fort in Boca Sami to the Capriles clinic. This resulted in the popular documentary United by Music by Michel Drenthe, which was nominated for a prize at the Moondance festival in Colorado, USA.

In the mean time Roe continued her PhD degree in Miami, and started as editor in chief for the Newsletter of the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA), a large international academic organization.

In August 2011 she moved back to Curaçao in order to prepare her dissertation research. In the spring of 2012 Roe started with Sombra di Koló, an interactive documentary project on race relations in Curaçao today. Sombra di Koló will premiere in Teatro Luna Blou in the fall of 2013.

Roe further was floormanager at the recording of German Gruber Jr's motion film Sensei Redenshon in Februari 2012. In April 2012 she was chairwoman of the jury of Youth Short Film Competition of the Curaçao International Film Festival Rotterdam (CIFFR), as well as one of the festival's hosts. In the festival of 2013 she fulfilled the same tasks. On October 1rst of 2012 she organized a large concert on Brion plein to stop the increasing violence in Curaçao, together with Dennis Aalse. This was the Have A Heart. A Call-for-Preace Benefit Concert. Stop Violensia, Uni pa Kòrsou.

Roe is also a copy editor, text writer, poet, painter, host, and jazz singer.
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Angela E. Roe is a PhD candidate at the Global and Sociocultural Studies PhD program at Florida International University in Miami. Here she is finishing her degree in Cultural Anthropology, under the guidance of Dr. Jean Muteba Rahier.

Currently Roe is currently conducting her dissertation field research on race relations in contemporary Curacao. Together with local youth organization WE LEAD she has initiated the interactive documentary project Sombra di Koló, The Shadow of Color. In five neighborhoods, each distinct in their racial and class make-up, a total of thirty Curaçaoans of all ages and walks of life document, video camera in hand, what "race" and "color" mean to them today.

Being born and raised in the Netherlands of a Dutch father and a Surinamese/Curacaoan mother set the tone of her research interests, which revolve around the tension between racial inequality and national identity formation in the Dutch Caribbean and in the African Diaspora at large.

In 2003 Roe earned her MA degree in Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of Amsterdam, with additional specializations in Literature Studies and Caribbeanistics. After obtaining her degree she moved to Curacao, where she worked for several years with Norman de Palm at his theater Teatro Luna Blou, creating various theater and performance art programs.

In 2007 she joined the Global and Sociocultural Studies PhD program at Florida International University, in order to fulfill her long-standing dream to conduct anthropological research in Curacao. Roe's current research pertains to race relations, national identity formation, and the performativity of folklore and its various relations to national imagination. Her academic work thus allows her to merge her passion for the arts in all its forms with her life long love for Cultural Anthropology.

In 2008 Roe first attended the Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference. In 2009 she started her work as the newsletter editor for the organization, and became a member of the Executive Council, which she continues to this day.

- http://angel1475.blogspot.fr/2013/06/who-is-angela-e-roe.html
- https://gss.fiu.edu/people/graduate-students/angela-roe/



Angela E. Roe is een researcher en cultureel antropologe van Curaçaose, Surinaamse en Nederlandse afkomst. Momenteel is ze een PhD kandidaat in het Global and Sociocultural Studies programma aan Florida International University in Miami. Het feit dat ze in Nederland werd geboren en getogen uit een blanke Nederlandse vader en een bruine Surinaams/Curaçaose moeder zette de toon voor haar academische interesses; race relations, identiteit, de performativiteit van blackness, koloniale erfenis, en de levendige dynamiek van het Caribisch gebied de Afrikaanse Diaspora.

Naast haar wetenschappelijke werk is Roe ook een gepassioneerd artiest. Indien de tijd het toelaat zingt ze, danst ze, schildert ze, en schrijft ze poëzie en korte verhalen. Haar artistieke werk wordt altijd sterk beïnvloed door haar academische werk, en vice versa, hetgeen dus resulteert in een vruchtbare symbiose.

In 2003 behaalde Roe haar Masters graad in Culturele Antropologie aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, met extra specialisaties in Literatuur Studies en Caribbean Studies. Na het behalen van haar diploma verhuisde Roe naar Curaçao, waar ze gedurende verscheidene jaren werkte voor Norman de Palm in zijn theater Teatro Luna Blou. Hier ontwikkelde ze verschillende theatrale en performance art programma's.

Echter, haar honger naar een dieper begrip van een aantal problemen waar Curaçao mee kampt, evenals haar eigen positionaliteit als licht gekleurde ‘mixed race' vrouw in de Afrikaanse Diaspora, dreef haar terug naar de universitaire wereld. In 2007 werd ze aangenomen in het doctoraal programma van het Global en Sociocultural Studies departement aan Florida International University.

In het voorjaar van 2012 startte Roe met Sombra di Koló, een interactief documentaire project over rassenrelaties op Curaçao vandaag. Met deze documentaire maakt Roe de bevindingen van haar taboe doorbrekende promotie onderzoek beschikbaar aan een breed (inter)nationaal publiek. Momenteel filmt Roe de materialen voor de documentaire met haar stichting, the Warwarú ImageNation Foundation. Sombra di Koló zal in het voorjaar van 2014 in première gaan in Teatro Luna Blou.



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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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