SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Indigenous Film Distribution

© DR
Genre : Distribution
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Sasani Studios, 2 Johannesburg Road
2192 Johannesburg
South Africa
Tel. : +27 (0) 11 719 4080
Fax : +27 (0) 11 719 4081
Contact by email

Local Film Distribution

Who is Indigenous Film Distribution?

Your one stop shop for all your film distribution needs. IDF is a 100% Female owned BEE compliant film distribution company that acts as the final agent between a film production company or some intermediary agent, and a film exhibitor, to the end of securing placement of the producer's film on the exhibitor's screen. In the film business, the term "distribution" refers to the marketing and circulation of movies in theaters, and for home viewing (DVD, Video-On-Demand, Download, Television etc), and while IDF focuses on these traditional platforms, new platforms in the digital arena are also included in our distribution plan where suitable. IDF is the only fully South African independent distribution company, and has over 15 years experience in the film marketing and distribution arena.

What is our aim?

Indigenous Films Distribution aims to provide South African filmmakers with unique and specialised distribution services for their films. Indigenous offers an experienced and creative team who will personalise and streamline the distribution process according to the needs of a particular film by providing film professionals with:

1.1.1. A full distribution strategy including a marketing and communications plan;

1.1.2. Negotiation and facilitation support for contracts between filmmakers and exhibitors;

1.1.3. Full implementation of a marketing and communications plan including event, talent, media and public relations management; and

1.1.4. Superior research, reporting and advice on distribution to filmmakers and exhibitors.

These services are best matched to South African Films seeking distribution in South Africa and Africa, but films seeking international distribution will be accepted based on suitability. Films will be guided by Indigenous through the traditional (Cinema, DVD and TV) and non traditional (New Media) process of film release with the objective of ensuring the best distribution deal for each film.

To find out how we can assist your film, please contact us [...].

on facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Indigenous-Film-Distribution/444702340656


6 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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