SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity



In late 2005 Greenhouse was selected by the EU as one of 12 projects in the framework of the EuroMed Audiovisual II Programme.
Greenhouse was launched during the Berlinale IFF in February 2006 and has since commenced operation.
Greenhouse's consortium of partners is composed of the New Foundation for Cinema and Television Israel, the Ankara Cinema Association Turkey, VOF Appel&Honigmann the Netherlands and Zebra Productions Spain (for information on the partners, see separate section).

Greenhouse operates in the following way: each year, a call for applications is issued. A team of International and MEDA experts select the best 10-12 projects, and their filmmakers, in teams of director/producer (i.e. 20-24 participants) are invited to participate in a series of 3 seminars over a period of one year.
The seminars cover all subjects related to documentary filmmaking aimed at the big screen, such as, storytelling, financial plans, pitching techniques, marketing and distribution and so on.
The team of tutors and experts are composed of the best European and MEDA directors, producers, editors, cinematographers and distributors.
Each year, new projects and filmmakers will be selected, which will go through the same cycle.
Greenhouse's seminars and workshops allow the filmmakers to enjoy a diverse curriculum and innovative cinematic approaches. A curriculum is individually tailored to each of the participating projects followed by personal one-on-one tutorial sessions networked through our website. The involvement of filmmakers and experts from various countries adds an important dimension to the learning process and enriches the cultural debate we strive to create.
The seminars are a few months apart from each other, and in between, the filmmakers remain in constant touch with their tutors, through our interactive website.

Greenhouse strives to rise above the political strains between the regions' different countries and cultures. Greenhouse encourages personal filmmaking which expresses the filmmakers' geographical and cultural environment. We believe that personal filmmaking will erase stereotypes and create empathy; such a series of personal documentaries can create a new visual and cinematic language that aids in bridging the national and cultural differences in the region and creates an emphasis on common values.


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of