Disillusioned with his life in the suburbs of segregated Beirut, Omar's discovery lures him into the depths of the city. Immersed into a world that is so close yet so isolated from his reality that he eventually finds himself struggling to keep his attachments, his sense of home.
Set between Beirut's post-war climate of recovery in the 90's and today's general sense of crumbling this is Omar's story. Growing up in Beirut's suburbs meant that Omar spent his entire teenage years living on the outskirts, having never visited parts of the segregated city or even crossed its borders. His daily life is dominated by the mundane, his parents' financial problems, and a certain lack of motivation; his only escape being the time he spends gazing at the city from his school's rooftop. Until, On a cold winter day, Omar unexpectedly witnesses something strange and beautiful. A sort of intense beaming light, shining through the grayness of the city's landscape, that lures him to venture into the depth of the city. This giant discovery leads him to explore and immerse himself in a world he never knew existed. A world that is so close yet so isolated from his reality that Omar finds himself struggling to keep his attachments, his sense of home…
A film by Ely Dagher
Lebanon / Qatar, 2015, 15 minute Short film, DCP
Country: Lebanon/Qatar
Duration: 14′ 50"
Screening Format: DCP
Sound: Stereo
Original Language: Arabic
STATEMENTWaves'98 is as much a narrative film as it is a personal visual essay dedicated to Dagher's hometown, Beirut.
The film is an artistic exploration of the director's current relation with his Lebanon, his home country, projected through the story of a teenager and set in 1998. Since moving abroad to study and work, Ely Dagher has been spending more and more time outside of Lebanon, and his attachment to Beirut Started to become more and more complicated. The overall Narrative of the film is heavily based on Ely's efforts to understand his changing relationship with the city and it's life, juxtaposed with the narrative of a teenager's exciting discovery of this segregated city.
Written and directed by Ely Dagher
Production: BeaverAndBeaver
Producer: Ely Dagher
Co-Producer: Nina Najjar
Co-Producer: Christina Farah
Art Work and Design: Ely Dagher
Animation Director: Ely Dagher
-Ely Dagher
-Laure Escafadals
-Chadi Aoun
Assistant animator:
-Joost Jansen
-Margot Reumont
-Gwendoline Gamboa
Editing: Ely Dagher
Sound Design and Score: Zelig Sound
Voice Over Recording: Jawad Chaaban
Omar's Voice: Elie Bassila
Noura's Voice: Cherine Khoury
Voice Coach: Roger Ghanem
Photography: Ely Dagher
Titling: Richard Kahwagi
2015 | Cannes Film Festival 2015
* Palme D'or (Short Film)
Desiludido com a vida nos subúrbios da segregada Beirute, Omar descobre algo que o leva às profundezas da cidade.
de Ely Dagher
Líbano, 15', Cor, Digital, 2015
2016 | XII Panorama International Coisa de Cinema, Brazil
* Projection/ Screening : 11/11, Sexta-feira - 16h, Itaú Glauber Rocha, Sala 4
http://coisadecinema.com.br/xii-panorama/filmes/competitiva-internacional-curtas/2015 | Cannes Film Festival 2015
* Palme D'or (Short Film)
يرسم فيلم المخرج إيلي داغر "موج‘98" الفائز بجائزة السعفة الذهبية، علاقة البَيروتيين الحاليين المعقدة بمدينتهم المضطربة في صورةٍ جميلة. في أواخر تسعينيات القرن العشرين، يخيب أمل الشاب عمر بحياته في العاصمة اللبنانية حيث الأخبار مزعجةٌ على الدوام ولا يبدو أن أي شيءٍ يتغير إلى الأفضل على الإطلاق. وعندما تجذبه بوابةٌ غامضة تودي به إلى بُعدٍ آخر، يشعر عمر لبعض الوقت بالسلام، لكنه لا يتمكن في نهاية المطاف من الهرب من جاذبية بيروت. فيلم "موج‘98"، الذي يتميز بمزيجٍ آسر من الرسوم المتحركة واللقطات الحية، هو بمثابة تأمل متحرك على النقيض من شعور الضياع في الوطن
Ely Dagher
فيلم روائي قصير / لبنان, قطر / ٢٠۱٥ / 0 دقائق / ملوّن / اللغة الأصلية: العربية / الإهتمامات: فنّ الرسوم المتحركة, يافع, سيرة ذاتية, قضايا اجتماعية, خيال, هوية
إيلي داغر
إيلي داغر
إيلي داغر