In an elegant parisian hotel, the night porter is constantly drawing. For the last twenty years, in the silence of the night, Séra, a franco-cambodian artist, has inked the pages of his graphic novels. While the words find their place and memories take shape, he must yet, like so many Cambodians, chasé away the spectres.
Un film de / a film by Céline Dréan
Documentaire / HDV / Stéréo / 49'58'' / 2010
Visa n°122 550
ISAN 0000-0002-29AB-0000-T-0000-0000-O
Réalisateur / director : Céline Dréan
Image : Guillaume Kozakiewiez
Son / Sound : Corinne Gigon & Sear Vissal
Montage / Editing : Denis Le Paven
Étalonnage / Calibration : Denis Le Paven
Mixage / Sound mix : Jean-Marc Schick
Musique originale / Original music : Thomas Le Corre