SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Try
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Short
Running time : 23 (in minutes)

8 hours, 8 people, 1 city: A series ofevents connects different lives through different parts of town until they all end up in public hospital, where the rich guy must wait in line and the gangster meets Jesus. Love, friendship, family, loyalty and hope and in the end is the realization that no matter where we come from or how we choose to live our lives, there are situations in which we are all made equal.

Directed by Joel Haikali

Namibia, 2012, short, drama, 23 minutes

Scénario/Script: Sophie Mukenge Kabongo & Joel Haikali
Images/Pictures: Alexander Honisch
Son/Sound: Wojtek Majewski
Montage/Editing: Boris Shiyangeni
Musique/Music: Sonja Majewski
Décor/Set design: Pirouz Gharouri
Affiche/Poster: Niina Turtola
Interprètes/Actors: Thereza Kahorongo, Tulimemlila Shityuwete, Joel Haikali, Lucky Peters
Durée/Length: 23 minutes
Format: HDV, DVCAM, DVD, Blu-Ray

Sophie Mukenge Kabongo (Producer),
Tél. : +264855669643
Email: sophie.mukenge@yahoo.com; sophie@joe-vision.com


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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