SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Scenarios From Africa - The Tree and The Wind

  • Scénarios d'Afrique - L'Arbre et le Vent
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Short
Running time : 9 (in minutes)

Directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, Chad;
based on ideas by Adama Ouédraogo, aged 20, Burkina Faso; Aïchata Diallo, aged 21, Mali; and Badibalaki Wembie, aged 18, Togo.

Scenarios from Africa is a community mobilisation, education and media project about HIV/AIDS carried out with and for young people. It gives children and young adults an exciting opportunity to educate themselves and others about HIV/AIDS by inviting them to participate with internationally acclaimed directors in the production of a collection of short films.
The films are based on ideas thought up by young people in a series of contests. So far, over 105,000 young people from 37 African countries have taken part in these contests. Over a thousand local and international partner organisations are involved in organising the contests and selecting the winning ideas.
Twenty-eight short fiction films are currently available. Some of the films are very touching, others extremely funny. They are distributed on a non-commercial basis across Africa and well beyond, for broadcast on national television stations and on international satellite networks.

Scenarios from Africa is coordinated by Global Dialogues - a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting excellence in education and communication about HIV/AIDS. For more information about Scenarios From Africa please visit the Global Dialogues website. http://www.globaldialogues.org/ http://tv.oneworld.net


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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