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Sinopse: Rei de uma província congolesa viaja a Bruxelas, capital da Bélgica, para procurar sua filha, de quem não tem notícias há anos.
Direção: Mweze Ngangura
Elenco: Gérard Essomba, Dominique Mesa e Herbert Flack
Produção: Congo. 1998. 97 min.
Mani Kongo, an old king of a Congolese village, sets out in search of his daughter, Mwana, whom he sent to school in Belgium when she was eight years old and hasn't heard from for years. The king, a steadfastly traditional soul, meets on his way characters such as Chaka-Jo, a young mixed-race Congo-Belgian illegal tax driver without proper working papers, Viva Wa Viva, a young poseur who cons him out of his money, and Noubea, a solitary young visionary singer…..Mani Kongo returns home with Mwana and Chaka-Jo, but will the return to Africa enable these characters with their identities in to find peace within themselves?
1998, Congo/Belgium, 94 min., directed by Mweze Ngangura
In French with English subtitles.
FESPACO 1999 (Burkina Faso)
* Fespaco Stallion
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26 files