SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Majid - ماجد

  • Majid - ماجد
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 116 (in minutes)

A coming of age story of a ten years old Moroccan orphan called Majid. Following recurrent nightmares, he discovers that he can't remember his parents' faces anymore and that there are no photographs of them apart from the charred remains of a family photo with his parents heads burnt away. With the help of his new friend Larbi, Majid decides to go on a quest to find a photograph of his dead parents. It's a journey that will take them to the big city of Casablanca where danger and adventure awaits them.

Moroccan feature film, 2011,

directed by Nassim Abassi

Producer* Nassim Abassi
Director of Photography* Jonny Semeco
Music* Austin Wintory
Film processing* Augustuscolor
Digital color timing (Étalonnage numérique)* Alessandro Pelliccia
Digital artist* Luca De Luca
Title artist* Filippo Mazzarino
Lab processing supervisor* Maurizio Iacoella
Digital recording* Carlo Bacciali & Fabio Balzani
Color grading* Andrea Maccari
Audio processing* Augustuscolor
Audio processing supervisor* Paolo Piccardo
Post coordination assistant* Micaela Ariosto
Foley, ambience and specials editing* Piergiorgio De Luca & Massimiliano Prezioso
Mixing engineer* Roberto Caroselli
Mixing assistant* Daniele Scaringella


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Majid - ماجد



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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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