SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Live from Palestine

Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, History/society
Year of production : 2001
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 53 (in minutes)

El realizador palestino Rashid Masharawi nos ofrece una inmersión en "La Voz de Palestina" radio oficial del Estado palestino en construcción. Su punto de vista crítico capta la realidad de la vida palestina, un nuevo momento clave en la historia del conflicto, en esta situación que oscila entre la guerra y la paz.

After the destruction of "The Voice of Palestine" transmitter, last December, israeli army exploded February 19 2002, all of the "Voice of Palestine" buildings. Today, one of the first Middle-East radio station (built in 1934) doesn't exist any more.
Rashid Masharawi's film presents "the Voice of Palestine" radio station, recording live moments of various events in the minute they happen. It moves with its field correspondents through their reports to the studios, which broadcast the news and programs, live, to its listeners inside and outside Palestine.
The film deals with the issue of Palestinian media in the first year of the second Intifada through what they transmit on the air to their listeners, and through what happens behind the scenes at the station, in the studios, editing rooms, administrative offices, and at meetings of decision makers, trying to observe closely how the Palestinian official media deals with the Palestinian reality at this stage.
Live transmission... live and direct shooting. The accumulation of events doesn't give the Radio crew the chance to determine their programs, and doesn't give the chance for the film crew to program the film. The film crew accompanies the station corespondents, through the friction points with the Israeli occupation soldiers, at the events surrounding the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba " catastrophe", on bombing sites, and at different check points.

At the outset Live From Palestine was meant to be a documentary by a noted Palestinian film-maker, Rashid Masharawi, on the inside of the radio station "VOICE OF PALESTINE", the official mouthpiece of the Palestinian authority.

Shot and edited before Sept. 11th 2001, it was a document on the new Intifada through the work, vision and personal experiences of the Palestinian radio journalists in Ramallah.

But this film can now be seen as a kind of testament.
A 4 minutes epilogue has been produced at dawn last January 19, after the israeli army had blown up "The Voice of Palestine", showing Bassem Abu Sumia wandering through the rubble of his radio station and giving us a more emotional perspective than the media sensation around this fraught.
A document wich already marks a mile stone in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Directed by Rashid Masharawi
Executive Producers : Raed Andoni & Patrice Barrat
Coproduction : ARTICLE Z & DAR PRODUCTIONS & ARTE France
In association with SBS TV Australia
With the support of CNC, PROCIREP, FACCID & Jan Vrijman Fund
European Distribution : ARTICLE Z - 2001

Sélectionné aux Festivals: d'Amsterdam, de Göteborg, in pre-selection at "Rencontres Média Nord-Sud"…

FIPA 2002 : Special Award of the Jury (catégorie "grands reportages et faits de société")


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of