SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Lumière [dir: O. Chraïbi]
Type : Fiction
Original title : نور
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1995
Format : Short
Running time : 20 (in minutes)

L Hakim, a living encyclopedia of theoretical knowledge on the cinema, rules supreme over this subject at home; he provides his knowledge to his disciples, gives conferences and interviews and refuses most of the invitations he receives. His wife serves him ad a secretary, cook, nurse The official authorities of his country ask him to organize an evening session on the cinema centenary, with historical films to be shown. A Machiavellian idea crosses his mind But he forgot to think that the power of the cinema is stronger than him.

A film by Omar CHRAÏBI

starring Hassan El Fad, Maria Kachani, Fatima Kheir, Salaheddine Benmoussa

Morocco, 1995, Fiction, 20 mins

Duration: 20 mn
Year: 1995


Segment of the collective film feature CINQ FILMS POUR CENT ANS / FIVE FILMS FOR A HUNDRED YEARS (on the centenary of cinema) including five short films. Five episodes directed by Farida Benlyazid, Jillali Ferhati, Hakim Noury, Aldelkader Lagtaâ and Omar Chraïbi.
Each filmmaker draws from his imagination and from his/her memories: the first screenings, prohibition by the parents, the magic lantern, cinema lessons by french cinema-loving teachers at the university. 

Director: Omar Chraibi
Cinematograper: Kamal Derkaoui
Sound Designer: Faouzi Thabet
Music Composer: Hassan El Fad & The Little Wings
Editors: M. Meziane, A. Sefrioui, K. Bornaz

- M.P.S
- Horizons Films

The 5 Shorts:
- على الشرفة / SUR LA TERRASSE / ON THE TERRACE | Farida Benlyazid (17 min), starring Amina Rachid, Fatima Loukili, Mouna Fettou, Yara Ghafiri
- نور / LUMIERE / LIGHT | Omar Chraibi (20 min), starring Hassan El Fad, Maria Kachani, Fatima Kheir, Salaheddine Benmoussa
- سينما ا مبريال / CINEMA IMPERIAL | Hakim Noury (20 min), starring Said Maouhoub, Omar Chenbod, Nizar Boukhari & Yassine Tabout
- نهاية سعيدة / HAPPY END | Abdelkader Lagtaa (20 min), starring Abdellah Amrani, Salaheddine Benmoussa Fatima Kheir, Rachid El Wali, Nezha Zakaria
- المنديل الا زرق / LE MOUCHOIR BLEU / THE BLUE HANDKERCHIEF | Jillali Ferhati (20 min), starring Hmida Ahrouchi, Souad El Bakhoukh Abdellah Bennajjar & Nezha Zakaria


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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