SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Last Supper in Horsley Street

  • Last Supper in Horsley Street
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1983
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 48 (in minutes)

Lindy Wilson began filming the forced removals of people into segregated'group areas', because she saw that history was being removed without trace in South Africa.
With a borrowed 16mm camera she shot Crossroads (her first film) in 1978.
In this film, she shows the removal of one of the last families from District Six.

As in Nazi Germany, race-laws in South Africa under apartheid forcibly removed people from their homes. 60 000 people were removed from DISTRICT SIX in the heart of Cape Town, their homes razed to the ground, after it was declared to be for'white' South Africans only. It took nearly 20 years to achieve and this film records one of the last families to leave in 1982. The Hendrickses, a Moslem family resisted until almost everything around them had been bulldozed into rubble. The film records their final removal and their subsequent placing in a remote new township miles from their place of work and the children's schools. It is the only filmed record. It captures their philosophy, their faith in God, their hopes and fears and their subsequent hardships in the new place.

Director: WILSON, Lindy
Production Company: Lindy Wilson Productions

Date: 1983, Length: 48mins

Netherlands - KRO - 1983
Germany WDR - 1984
UK - Channel-4 - 1985
South Africa - SABC -1995


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of