SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Kite (The)

  • Cerf volant (Le)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Cerf-volant (Le)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2002
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

A city looms in the middle of the desert. A city rotting in its own wealth. Its smooth, soulless buildings cannot withstand the sandstorms. Its imported modernism, awkward and out of place, encroaches on traditions, exacerbating old habits…
Women are doubly veiled. Liberty is all the more threatened.
Slowly, progressively, the tension in this desert mounts. An unheeded anguish builds up, relieved by fleeting moments of happiness, laughter and sensuality. Until one day when everything comes tumbling down.

Lamia's husband-to-be lives on the other side of the border in a village annexed by Israel. She often crosses the border and gets to know a young soldier. A very unwelcome attraction...

Sabbag Chahal Randa, fict, Liban, 2002, 120', orig.version sub-titled in Fr

Directors of photography
Alain Levent
Dominique …

Yves Deschamps
Marie Pierre renaud

Production design
Sylvain Chauvelot

Assistant directors
Véronique labrid
Dzovig Torikian
Wael Deeb

Jérôme Ayass
Rana Eid

Ziad Rahbani

Randa Chahal

Ognon Pictures
Leil Productions
Arte/ la sept
Fonds Sud

Year 2002
Format Scope 35 mm couleurs

Pyramide Distributions


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of