SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Qorine
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1971
Format : Feature

LM Production RTA

This second full-length film reveals the director; This fictional investigation on the youth of Algeria delivered to the mirage of the bad western and stupid magazines is taken away with vivacity, an almost constant happiness in the direction, a happy and very accomplice direction of actors (almost all of them kids) a great accuracy of the glance and the most natural ease in the shooting, mobile, clever, attentive to the compositions of the shadow and the light. By small, precise touches, which press little by little but which mark, the film sheds light on the lives of the children at home, miserable, or petit bourgeois - a meal served, with wine at the table -, at school and in the street.
Gorine, older, their gang leader (Gorine = Ringo) riding a motorcycle, directs the larceny, reigns and "judges"... The intelligence is precisely not to make us take the place of the judges: but to give us the reasons to understand, and to bring us to love others more than to the law or, if we prefer, to the spirit more than to the letter. The last images are those of the class, the absent culprits; and these words on the blackboard: "Evening class: the role of cinema". Let there be no mistake: there is no other romanticism in Gorine than that, at once tender and cruel, which belongs to childhood, and no sentimentality. In these years of mobilization, Gorine is the only Arab film where youth, playing its game, gives us a lesson in truth.


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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