SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

David [dir. Joel Fendelman]

  • David [dir. Joel Fendelman]
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

The story of a young Muslim boy who is training to be an imam in Brooklyn and his unlikely friendship with an orthodox Jewish boy his own age. DAVID tells the story of Daud, an eleven year old religious Muslim boy growing up in Brooklyn. Concealing his Muslim identity, Daud inadvertently befriends a group of Jewish boys who through a haphazard sequence of events mistake him for being Jewish and accept him as one of their own. A genuine bond of friendship is formed between Daud and Yoav, on of the Jewish boys; Daud experiences a sense of freedom, joy, and camaraderie that he has never felt before, and for a brief time enjoys being a carefree eleven year old Brooklyn boy. When the Jewish boys discover Daud's true identity, Daud's world is shattered and he is left alone, struggling to come to terms with his place in the world. Director: Joel Fendelman United States, 2010, 80min Format: HDCam (screening) - HD (shooting) Cast: Maz Jobrani, Muatasem Mishal, Binyomin Shtaynberger, Gamze Ceylan, Dina Shihabi, Noam Weinberg, David Mandelbaum, Ayse Eldek, Akram Basuni, Markus Goldberg, Daniel Henri Luttway, Michael Golden, Marjorie Austrian Executive Producers: Jason Dubin, Andrew Cohen - Producer: Julian Schwartz - Screenwriters: Joel Fendelman, Patrick Daly - Cinematographer: Robbie Renfrow - Editor: Joel Fendelman, Martin Levenstein, Chris Houghton - Composer: Gil Talmi - Sound Design: Rick Secen

"David" trailer from Joel Fendelman on Vimeo. CAST Ahmed__ Maz Jobrani Daud__ Muatasem Mishal Yoav__ Binyomin Shtaynberger Aishah__ Dina Shihabi Fatima__ Gamze Ceylon Moshe__ Michael Golden Mendy__ Daniel Luttway Dovi__ Markus Goldberg Yoseph__ Jared Kirsch Rabbi Harowitz__ David Mandelbaum Rabbi Schmully__ Noam Wienberg Rami__ Akram Basuni Suhad__ Ayse Richardson Rami's Father__ Taufiq Abid Yoav's Mom__ Lara Gedzelman Yoav's Dad__ Joel Gedzelman Yussef__ Abdu Almasmary Rifqa__ Aya Abid Email: infodavid-themovie.com


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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