SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Coeur de Lion

Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2009
Format : Feature
Running time : 92 (in minutes)

A lion is destroying the cattle. Men disappear. The whole village is frightened and the chief is distraught. Samba, a young pastor is the only one who is determined to track the animal. But he is surprised by the lion who is about to win the fight. Fortunately, he got the support of Tanko, a young hunter, but his honor is spoiled because he will not bring the tail of the lion back to the village: his savior Tanko took over this position. However, one crucial problem remains: the question about men's disappearance.

Directed by Boubakar Diallo ;

Scénario/Script : Boubakar Diallo ;
Images/Pictures: Daniel Barrau;
Son/Sound : Sam Lallé Isidore;
Montage/Editing: Bédé M. Ganafe Mofe Dog-Na ;
Musique/Music : Charly Sidibé ;
Décor/Set design : Germain N. Bamouni;
Affiche/Poster : Damien Glez ;
Interprètes/Actors : Houseini Boly, Carole Bassolé, Mamadi Nana ;

Durée/Length : 90 mn ;
Format : 35 mm;


2009 | 13ème Écrans Noirs 2009 | YAOUNDÉ, Cameroun | Du 30 mai au 6 juin | www.ecrans-noirs.org
* Compétition - LONGS MÉTRAGES


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Coeur de lion



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  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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