SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Bandera (La)

  • Bandera (La)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1935
Format : Feature
Running time : 103 (in minutes)
Film Black & white

Pierre Gilieth, a French criminal who had killed a man in a bar in Rue Saint-Vincent in Paris, decides to leave France and enrol in the Spanish Legion. He does not know that he is followed by Fernando Lucas, a police informer attracted by the reward. But the two men get together and become friends…

France - 1935 - 1 h 43 mn

- Réalisation/Director: Julien Duvivier
- Scénario/Script : Julien Duvivier, Charles Spaak
d'après l'œuvre de Pierre Mac Orlan

- Image/Director of Photography: Jules Kruger
- Montage/Editing : Marthe Poncin
- Musique/Music: Roland Manuel, Jean Wiener
- Son/Sound: Robert Teisseire
- Interprétation/Cast: Jean Gabin, Annabella, Pierre Renoir, Robert Le Vigan, Gaston Modot

Contact : Tamasa Distribution - 63, rue de Ponthieu - 75008 Paris - Tél : 01 43 59 01 01 - Fax : 01 43 59 64 41 - e-mail : contact@tamasadistribution.com - web : www.tamasadiffusion.com

Source: Cinémed 2012


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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