SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

An evening in July

  • Un soir de juillet
© Courtesy of Nomadis Images
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2001
Format : Short
Running time : 23 (in minutes)

Old Saida is called when there are weddings to enhance the beauty of brides with henna, massage and make up on their wedding day. But Miriam is not a girl like the others and refuses Saida's treatment. Even if hers is not an arrange wedding, Miriam is afraid and does not feel ready to take this step. The feelings of the young woman bring back to Saida the memories of her youth and the drama of a marriage to a man who was twice her age. Between the two women arises a strong feeling of solidarity.

Directed by Raja Amari

Nomadis Images

Summary for official catalogues

Old Saida is called when there are weddings to enhance the beauty of brides with henna, massage and make up on their wedding day. But Miriam is not a girl like the others and refuses Saida's treatment. Even if hers is not an arrange wedding, Miriam is afraid and does not feel ready to take this step. The feelings of the young woman bring back to Saida the memories of her youth and the drama of a marriage to a man who was twice her age. Between the two women arises a strong feeling of solidarity.

Directed by Raja Amari, Tunisia, 2001, short drama, 23mins


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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