SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Agora braille

  • Agora braille
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 52 (in minutes)

How to educate blind children ? Here is Aïssata Pouye's struggle, a blind mother of six (among them five are blind) along with professional teachers in the suburbs of Dakar, Senegal.

A film by Mame Woury Thioubou

Senegal / France, 2016, Documentary, 52 mins

Executive Producer: Julien Coquet
Producers: Philippe Djivas, Sébastien Tendeng

Director : Mame Woury Thioubou,
Scriptwriter: Mame Woury Thioubou
DoP: Julien Coquet
Sound: Patrick Blache

Philippe Djivas (Dynamo Production)
Olivier Attebi (Lyon Capitale TV)
Sébastien Tendeng (Impluvium Production)

Produced by Dynamo Production (France)
with Lyon Capitale TV (France) and Impluvium Prod (Senegal)

Broadcast: Lyon Capitale TV (France).
22 December 2016, at 21h
* World Premiere


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of