SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Algeria, unspoken Stories

Genre : Historical
ASIN code : B002UQ9UNK

Release date : Tuesday 17 november 2009
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Four Algerians talk about their relationships with the pieds-noirs, the Europeans and Jews who left the southern side of the Mediterranean in masses in 1962, when Algeria proclaimed its independence. From Skikda and Constantine in the East to Oran in the West, from stories of music to accounts of massacres, we follow four dramatic destinies as we are led back to the years of national liberation: a far cry from the clichés on the Algerian War, by a filmmaker whose passion is his country's history.


Scenario: Jean-Pierre Lledo
Editing: Kahena Attia
Images: Othmane Abbane
Sound: Mohamed Redha Belazougui
Music: Hayet Ayad

Language of the o.v. french, arabic; s-t. french, english

Country of production: Algeria
Running time: 160min.

Producers: Jean-Pierre Lledo, Edouard Mauriat
Production: Mille et Une Productions (Paris - France)
co-production: Naouel Films (Algeria)
Distribution : World-Dreams SA (Genève - Suisse)


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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