SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Genre : Distribution, Cultural operator, Bailleur de fonds
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
via Cagliari, 42
10153 TORINO
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TorinoFilmLab is a year-round, international laboratory that supports emerging talents from all over the world - with a special attention to those working on their first and second fiction feature films - through training, development, funding and distribution activities.

Linked to the Torino Film Festival, TorinoFilmLab is promoted by the main film institutions established in Turin and Piedmont - Museo Nazionale del Cinema and Film Commission Torino Piemonte.

TorinoFilmLab started in 2008 with an annual budget of 1.000.000 Euro for all activities, granted by the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Regione Piemonte and Città di Torino. TorinoFilmLab is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA programme of the European Union.

The four main fields of intervention of TorinoFilmLab are:
* Training
* Development
* Funding
* Distribution

TorinoFilmLab runs several activities and offers various forms of support in each of these fields. The training initiatives ScriptLab, FeatureLab and SeriesLab, run throughout the year. ScriptLab and FeatureLab reach their conclusive moment at the TorinoFilmLab Meeting Event in November during the Torino Film Festival, when projects are presented to a selected group of producers, sales agents, distributors and other professionals from all over the world working in independent filmmaking.

On this occasion the TorinoFilmLab Jury assigns a number of TFL Production and Co-Production Awards to the best projects coming from the FeatureLab programme. Additionally, TorinoFilmLab's partners award a variety of collateral prizes backing the further development, the production or post-production of projects coming from different TFL programmes.

ScriptLab trains scriptwriters and directors developing a script for a feature film, as well as story editors and creative producers. It ventures into exploring different ways in which an audiovisual project can be born: a script based on an original story, an adaptation based on a pre-existing work, and the work of a scriptwriter on commission. It consists of 4 actions: ScriptLab original, adaptation, story editing and match point.

FeatureLab consists of 2 actions: FeatureLab - 360 and FeatureLab - audience design.

The 360 branch of the programme trains creative teams of scriptwriter, director and producer from all over the world in working on their 1st or 2nd feature film projects at an advanced stage of development with a 360° approach. Through 3 residential workshops taking place over a period of 6 months, the teams focus on both artistic & creative aspects as well as on production & promotion strategies of their projects.

Through the audience design action, audiovisual professionals interested in gaining hands-on experience in the creation of audience engagement strategies for international film projects in development or pre-production stage acquire precious tools to hone their skills.

SeriesLab is aimed at professional scriptwriters and directors wishing to develop innovative and high-profile international TV series projects. The lab stands out for involving all the main players involved in TV series production - scriptwriters, producers and TV broadcasters - and for offering a close link between scriptwriting process and TV industry.

TFL Audience Design Fund
Launched in August 2014, the TFL Audience Design Fund completes the 360° support offered by TFL to worldwide audiovisual professionals, adding a further essential step to it: distribution. TFL Audience Design Fund is aimed at supporting innovative audience development strategies at the moment of distribution - designed specifically to accompany the release of each selected project. This new fund is possible thanks to the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme support to International Co-Production Funds.


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  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of