SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Gouttes d'encre sur l'île rouge

  • Gouttes d'encre sur l'île rouge
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 40 (in minutes)

Following the presidential elections of December 2001, Madagascar, divided between "its two presidents", is on the brink of civil war.
Jean-Luc Raharimanana multiplies the interventions and invites his compatriots to reflect on their history and their culture.
Between intimate confessions and public discourse, the writer questions us about the Malagasy identity and its contradictions, the place of the poet in a society where the word, synonymous with power, is the property of the ancestors.
His poems guide us through the time and history of Madagascar until the moment when reality suddenly meets fiction: the writer's father, kidnapped and tortured, becomes the first political prisoner of this crisis…

A film by Vincent WABLE & Randianina RAVOAJANAHARY

France / Madagascar, 2003, Documentary, 40', DVCam

French Title:
"Gouttes d'encre sur l'île rouge : Portrait de l'écrivain Jean Luc Raharimanana"
English Meaning:
"Ink drops on the red island: Portrait of the writer Jean Luc Raharimanana"

Type: Documentary
Format: DVCam
Duration: 40'
Production date: October 2003

Directors: Vincent Wable & Randianina Ravoajanahary

Contact :
Vincent Wable and Randianina Ravoajanahary
48, rue d'Orsel 75018 Paris - France
Phone: 01 46 06 08 57 - 06 32 02 82 30
Mail: wablev(@)hotmail.com


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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