SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Frontières [dir. Apolline Traoré]

  • Frontières [dir. Apolline Traoré]
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Adjara, Emma, Sali, and Sali meet in a bus on their way to Lagos via Bamako, Cotonou, and Ouagadougou. During the trip, they discover beautiful landscapes of both coastal and Sahelian countries. The trip is nonetheless an obstacle course.

A film by Apolline TRAORE

starring Naky Sy SAVANÉ, Amélie Mbaye, Unwana UDOBANG, Adizétou SIDI

Burkina Faso, 2017, feature, 1h 30mn

Réalisatrice / Director: Apolline Traoré
Scenario/Script: Apolline Traoré
Images/Pictures: Ali Lakrouf
Son/Sound: Bakary Sangaré
Montage/Editing: Chritian Billette
Musique/Music: Réné Aubry, Cyril Morin
Décor/Set design: Germain Bamouni

Hadjara (Amélie Mbaye)
Emma (Naky Sy Savané)
Micha (Unwana Udobang)
Sali (Adizétou Sidi)

Durée/Length: 1h 30mn
Format: DCP

Contact: 78581340
Email: aPollinet@yahoo.fr


Il coraggio di quattro donne africane, pronte ad attraversare mille pericoli tra Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso e Benin per raggiungere la Nigeria e sfamare le loro famiglie.

Regista: Apolline Traoré

con Naky Sy SAVANÉ, Amélie Mbaye, Unwana UDOBANG, Adizétou SIDI


5 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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