SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Bouna Guazong

  • Bouna Guazong
© courtesy Cie Issue de secours
Film director, Theatre director, Actor, Playwright, Artistic director, Screenwriter, Editor, Dialogist, Consultant
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Cameroonian comedian (Theater), actor (Film), consultant, dialoguist, writing director, artistic director, playwright, stage director, film director, film editor and screenwriter.

He is sometimes credited as
Guazong Style

Bouna GUAZONG is a comedian (Theater), actor (Film), consultant, dialoguist, writing director, artistic director, playwright, stage director, film director, film editor and screenwriter.

He is known for BENDSKINS (2021, Co-Screenwriter), LA FRANCE EST UN LABEL - FRANCE IS A LABEL (2016, Director / Screenwriter), INSIDE BOTTLE (2013, Director/ Actor).

Born in the coastal region of Cameroon, Amadoua Bouna Guazong is comedian, trained at the University Theatre of Yaoundé I. Party of the University Theatre in 2005, he goes through several other private theatre companies (2005 and 2018) where he works as an actor, stage manager, director. He won the National Theatre Award in 2006 with We Guara for the show "Caligula". In 2014, he was ranked among the top five comedians in French-speaking Africa by the Grand Prix de théâtre francophone d'Afrique in Togo. In 2018, he was a finalist for the RFI Talent for Laughter Award.
In 2010, his collection of four short stories entitled "Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday" won the international competition "Le Camaroes". In 2013, he was a finalist in the international "Naples Tells" competition of the University of Naples in Italy, which published his new "Le Chacal / The Jackal " in 2014 in the anthology of the contest.
In 2016 he was a finalist in the New Bakwa magazine contest with "Brrrrrrrr!!!!! ", a short story.
In 2019, Bouna Guazong won the Prix Inédits d'Afrique et d'outre-mer, a high school award for Francophone dramatic literature with her text "En route…. ". This Prize allows him to do his Creative Residency, in 2021, within the Theater Company Issue de Secours (Villepinte, Paris region, France), as part of the Oups ! Bouge ta langue ! (Oups festival! Move your language!) - in partnership with the Cité internationale des arts.

Since 2013, he has worked as a consultant, dialoguist, writing director, screenwriter or actor for films, television series and sitcoms and radio.
He is the co-Scenarist of BENDSKINS (2021), Narcisse Wandji's first feature fiction film.

Since 2018, in addition to his professional activities, he has been artistic director of his theatre project "Love & laugh".

FILMOGRAPHY (excerpts)

(project underway in 2022) BANA (TV series, 10 episodes x 52') /// Dir Réal: Olivier Messa (Gabon), Calvin Yadia, Amos Njitam, Amadou Bouna Guazong (Cameroon)

(project in progress, in 2021) NO WOMAN NO CRY (TV series, 10 episodes x 52') /// Dir Réal: Olivier Messa (Gabon)

(project in progress, in 2021) IN 30 DAYS JE ME MARIE /// Cameroonian Screenplay Award at the 25th Festival Écrans Noirs (Yaoundé, Cameroon, 2021)

(2021) BENDSKINS (Feature Fiction) //Dir Réal: Narcisse Wandji. Co-Scenarist (with Narcisse Wandji)

(2016) FRANCE IS A LABEL - LA FRANCE EST UN LABEL (Documentary, 26 mins) /// Dir Réal: Bouna GUAZONG

(2011) INSIDE BOTTLE (Fiction, 51 minutes) /// Dir Réal: Bouna GUAZONG. Starring avec Amadou BOUNA GUAZONG, Basseek FILS, Joseph FEUJIO, Mho'o Leekack, Marie Christiane KAMENI YANDOM, Mado ATSAFACK, Moïse FEUDJIO, Arnaud DJEMO TAMKO, Jacobin YARRO, Jeannette TELLA /// Acteur (rôle : Sony) /// Best Male Performance Award at the Bafoussam International Independent Film Festival (FICIB 2015, Cameroon)

* www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX1kUzc0tVaBii4B5wOFuQ
* https://cm.linkedin.com/in/amadou-bouna-guazong-b1382b2a

WEB / Our Sources
* www.issue-de-secours.fr/2021/11/amadou-bouna-guazong/
* www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX1kUzc0tVaBii4B5wOFuQ
* https://cm.linkedin.com/in/amadou-bouna-guazong-b1382b2a
* www.facebook.com/Amadoubouna
* https://filmfreeway.com/474378
* www.afriquefaitsoncinema.com/index.php?option=com_sobipro&pid=1&sid=173:inside-bottle&Itemid=228
* www.ecransnoirs.org/actualites/ (2021 edition)
* https://johannesburgreviewofbooks.com/2019/04/01/new-short-fiction-read-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-by-a-bouna-guazong-excerpted-from-of-passion-and-ink-new-voices-from-cameroon/

Translated from French and updated by Thierno Dia, on 06 Sep 2022.


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