SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

The Jordan Short Film Festival 2010 - Call For Films

Genre : Calls for papers
Contact details Hazim Bitar Directeur du Festival
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Release/publication date : 2010
Published on : 13/08/2010

Dear Filmmaker,

The 6th edition of the Jordan Short Film Festival is open for film entry. The two main events of the the festival are the International Short Film Competition with a prize of $1000 USD and the Arab Short Film Competition with a prize of $1000 USD. A festival jury of artists and cinema professionals will determine the winners and special mentions.

In addition, there will a number of awards for filmmakers from various marginalized communities in Jordan. And screenings from partner festivals and country spotlights will enrich the festival program for 2010.

During this edition of the festival, a number of panels will be held to discuss the impact of the digital filmmaking on indie filmmaking trends in the Mideast in general and in Jordan in particular.

Industry experts will be invited to showcase digital filmmaking tools and technologies. Special topics will also be discussed such as Video on Demand publishing services, HDSLR/AVCHD workflow, the Nigerian film production and distribution experience and its relevance to Jordan, and more.

As in the past, we look forward to your participation to help us promote intercultural understanding and to advance the cause of indie filmmaking.

This year, we will introduce live performance segments in between screenings by local indie artists, so to speak, curated by Ta3leeleh.

The film entry deadline is October 1, 2010

Online Film Entry: http://JordanFilmFestival.com

Please take note of the film entry deadline and give yourself 2 weeks lead time to ensure the timely arrival of your film. We look forward to your participation and will be honored to receive your films.


Hazim Bitar
Festival Director


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of