SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Taliban II - The Revival

  • Taliban II - The Revival
Genre : War
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 57 (in minutes)

Kamikazes strapped with explosives who blow themselves up in military bases of the US and allied forces; bombing attacks with remote control mechanisms against police stations and embassies, and attacks on government delegates and members of the judiciary; for the past two years, all of these compose the daily routine in Afghanistan. The "revival of the Taliban" is a fact. And Pakistan is the new centre of developments in Central Asia, for it is from its grounds that the new waves of fighters with the black turbans, and their continuous attacks, unexpectedly shift the geopolitical map of Central Asia, as well as the international balances.
Yorgos Avgeropoulos enters "the land where no western man has ever set foot", the tribal areas of the Pashtun in Pakistan, their base of operations against the US troops in Afghanistan. He seeks the causes and prospects of a "revival" of the fighters with the black turbans, amongst others through the first interview ever granted to a Greek reporter by the president of Pakistan, General Musharaf.


Director : Georgios Avgeropoulos
Writer : Georgios Avgeropoulos
Camera : Alexis Barzos
Sound : Alexis Barzos
Editing : Dimitris Nikolopoulos, Meletis Pogkas
Music : Yiannis Paxevanis

Production : Small Planet Productions,
69 Doiranis st. Kallithea,
17672 Athènes, Greece
Tel: +30 210 9515 295
Fax: +30 210 9515 294
E-mail: info@smallplanet.gr

Sales : Small Planet Productions,
69 Doiranis st. Kallithea,
17672 Athènes, Greece
Tel: +30 210 9515 295
Fax: +30 210 9515 294
E-mail: info@smallplanet.gr

Format: Betacam SP. Colour, Dolby Stereo, 16:9 PAL (NTSC Available upon request)
Running time: 47 min/ 57 min

Year of production: 2007

Pashtun, Urdu, English, Greek


Reportage and Current Affairs


1 files


  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

With the support of