SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Lac
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2019
Format : Short
Running time : 7 (in minutes)

Kellou, in her forties, lives in Bol, the capital of Sahel's province. She's a fisher, profession transmitted from mother to daughter. She learned it from her mother. But since a few years, Lake Tchad has been shrinking, and fish has become rare. Kellou's job is threatened. One day, after an un- successful catch, her 12 year old daughter Mouna gives her an idea: pick up plastic bags invading the lake and make ropes out of it to sell them on the market. By this simple gesture, Kellou gets to, in her own way, fight against plastic pollution and adapt to the new conditions brought about by climate change.

estrelado / starring / avec :
Leila Abadam, Kawiya Abicho, Mariam Hassan

um filme de / film by / un film de
Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

Chad, Italy | 2019 | Short Narrative | 07 mins | Drame | Color | in Luba-Katanga

Título / Original title / Titre Original : LAC
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : Lac
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : Lac
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Outro título / Other Title / Autre Titre :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 07'53 (0h07 minutes 53 seconds, 00:07:53)
Tipo / Type / Type : Curta-metragem de ficção / Short Fiction / Court-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre / Genre : Drama / Drama / Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Luba-Katanga, Francês / Luba-Katanga, French / Luba-Katanga, Français
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres : Francês, Inglês, Italiano / French, English, Italian / Français, Anglais, Italien
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : Itália / Italy / Italie
País do Diretor / Filmmaker's Country / Pays du réalisateur : Chade / Chad / Tchad
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Chade / Chad / Tchad
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2019
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie : 2020
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image : 16 mm
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :
TAGS : Criança, Child, Enfant, Família, Family, Famille, Tchad, álcool, Alcohol, Alcool

CAST / ACTRICES-ACTEURS (in credits order)
Leila Abadam...................................................... Kellou
Kawiya Abicho..................................................... Mouna
Mariam Hassan.....................................................

Advisors of the Filmmakers Selection
Max Brun for Silvio Soldini
Annamaria Gallone for Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, Shahrbanoo Sadat & Leon Wang
Àsthildur Jónsdóttir for Ása Hjörleifsdóttir
Anne-Marie Melster for Karin Williams
Selvaggia Velo for Nila Madhab Panda
Flaminio Zadra for Bettina Oberli

Max Brun and Roberta Gigi, Art + Vibes, Milan: Olmo by Silvio Soldini
Daniel van Hoogstraten, Syndrome Films, Rio de Janeiro: Tua Ingugu by Daniela Thomas
Bettina Oberli and Martin Joss, Looping Film GMBH, Zürich: Kingdom by Bettina Oberli

Executive & Creative Producers
Birgitta Bjornsdottir, Vintage Pictures, Reykjavík: Last Dance by Ása Hjörleifsdóttir
Ruby Chen and Kay Xu, CNEX Foundation CNEX Studio, Beijing: Hungry Seagull by Leon Wang
Anahelena Curti, Arte 3, Sao Paulo: Tua Ingugu by Daniela Thomas
Sharlene George, Sweet Shop, Auckland: Ka Mua Ka Muri by Karin Williams
Protiqe Mojoomdar, Handyyman, Mumbai: Megha's Divorce by Nila Madhab Panda
Vincent Melilli, ESAV, Marrakech: A Sunny Day by Faouzi Bensaidi

Concept Developer & PRODUTORA / Concept Developer & PRODUCER / Concept Developer & PRODUCTRICE :
Adelina von Fürstenberg

Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

Guionista / Screenwriter / Scénariste :
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :

Directore de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Vincent GOUJON
Aladji Hussein Ousman

Musica / Music / Musique :
Michael Galasso - Musiques Récentes © 2001-2003

Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Christine BENOIT

Assistente Montagem / Assistant Editor / Assistante Monteuse :

Assistente Realização / Assistant Director / Assistant Réalisateur :
Abdoulaye Babale

Sound Mixing / Mixage Son :
Julien Cloquet

Sound editor / Monteur Son :
Julien Cloquet

Desenhista de produção (Diretor de arte) / Production designer / Décors :
Figurinista (Estilista) / Costume Design / Costumes (Création des Costumes) :
Cabeleireira / Hair stylist / Cheffe coiffeuse :
Maquiadora / Makeup artist / Cheffe maquilleuse :
Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Supervisor de produção / Production supervisor / Chargée de production :
Sound Assistant / Assistant Son :
Sound effects editor (Sound designer) / Monteur Effets Sonores :
Additional foley mixer / Mixeur Bruitage :
Ajudou (Chefe maquinista) / Key grip / Chef machiniste :
Gaffer / Chef électricien (Chef Électro) :
Primeiro Assistente Caméra / First Camera Assistant / Premier Assistant Caméra :
Segunda Assistente Camera / Second Assistant Camera / Seconde Assistante Caméra :
Script supervisor (Continuity) / Scripte-Girl :
Fotógrafos de cena / Set photographers (Still photographers) / Photographes de plateau :
Colorist / Etalonneur :
Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
Production administrators / Administration de Production :
Public Relations Officer / Attachée de presse du film :

Pili Films
Florence Stern
Claude Gilaizeau
Ahmat Tahir Souleymane
Wasis Diop
Radisson Blu N'Djamena
Aboubakar Koffia

ART for The World (Geneva & Italy).

United Nations, Geneva
Comune Milano - City of Milan, Italy
World Meteorological Organization, Geneva
Direction of Development and Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland
GAIL (India) Ltd., New Dehli
European Union/ Ethical Fashion Initiative/ International Trade Centre
Fondazione Cariplo, Milan
Canton of Geneva
SESC, Sao Paulo
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Lavazza, Torino
Foundation Falck, Milan
SIG, Geneva
Mrs Valentina Scanziani, Member of Ashoka Italy
Dorje Film, Roma
Labà, Milano
Offi-cine, Milano
City of Lancy, Switzerland
Iceland Air
Eurovision/EBU (European Broadcasting Union of public televisions), Geneva
AirGuide Travel Media & Technology (USA)
NCTM Studio Legale, Milano

ART for The World (Milano)

ART for The World (Milano)

- https://ikonotv.art/watch/3809/lac-mahamat-saleh-haroun

CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
ART for The World (Milano)



* Selection /// 25th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP25), AT AICS-Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo's Pavillion (Madrid, Spain, 1-13 Dec 2019)

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.interdependencefilm.com/copy-of-tfaouzi-bensaidi
- https://ikonotv.art/watch/3809/lac-mahamat-saleh-haroun
- www.pilifilms.fr/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 08 August 2023


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Lac (Short by Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN, 2019)



  • Arterial network
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS

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